Week 1 FINAL Results - Waste Management Phoenix Open
1 3 3 Clay M. Matsuyama $164,266 Taylor, N $3,168,000 Thomas, J $374,000 $3,706,266
2 16 16 Chubbs Peterson Burns $1,038,400 Matsuyama $0 Theegala $721,600 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,419,734 $3,344,000
3 13 13 Two Strokes Bhatia $0 Burns $1,038,400 Clark, W $60,808 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,584,000 $2,683,208
4 26 26 Randymarcus An $36,784 Burns $1,038,400 Lee, MW $0 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,548,448 $2,659,184
5 22 22 Underworld Unicorns An $0 Kitayama $497,200 Thomas, J $374,000 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,547,216 $2,455,200
6 7 7 ETS An $36,784 Bezuidenhout $0 Theegala $721,600 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,478,000 $2,342,384
7 10 10 Walilundy Burns $1,038,400 Cole $0 Theegala $721,600 Novak $248,600 $203,808 $2,008,600
8 31 31 GingerAttack Burns $1,038,400 Kim, SW $374,000 Kitayama $497,200 $1,909,600
9 12 12 CBroocks Fitzpatrick, M $312,400 Im $0 Poston $0 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,547,216 $1,896,400
10 19 19 Par-Tee Burns $1,038,400 Clark, W $60,808 Theegala $721,600 $1,820,808
11 6 6 Greller's Revenge Hossler $60,808 Hubbard $41,058 McCarthy $0 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,419,734 $1,685,866
12 18 18 Grip it and Sip it An $36,784 Cole $44,792 Kim, Tom $0 Taylor, N $1,584,000 $1,333,200 $1,665,576
13 28 28 Mulligans Horschel $0 Theegala $721,600 Thomas, J $374,000 Burns $519,200 $458,392 $1,614,800
14 1 1 Todd Helfer Burns $1,038,400 Matsuyama $164,266 Thomas, J $374,000 $1,576,666
15 34 34 Dimpled Balls Cole $44,792 Scheffler $1,038,400 NO SHOW $0 Theegala $360,800 $360,800 $1,443,992
16 11 11 Up To Par Burns $1,038,400 Homa $0 Poston $0 Theegala $360,800 $360,800 $1,399,200
17 2 2 Mark Steffenhagens Burns $1,038,400 Mitchell $250,800 Poston $0 $1,289,200
18 35 35 DEAD MONEY An $36,784 Burns $1,038,400 Matsuyama $164,266 $1,239,450
19 32 32 Butt Hole In One Grillo* $164,266 Lee, MW $35,552 Scheffler $1,038,400 $1,238,218
20 9 9 Neptune Jags Burns $1,038,400 Detry $106,000 Montgomery $78,320 $1,222,720
21 25 25 Mrs Lufner An $36,784 Detry* $106,000 Scheffler $1,038,400 $1,181,184
22 23 23 The Grateful Sneds Berger $106,000 Matsuyama $0 Theegala $721,600 Novak $248,600 $84,334 $1,076,200
23 20 20 PackDATgreen Hadwin $0 Poston $0 Theegala $721,600 Novak $248,600 $248,600 $970,200
24 17 17 Lost Balls Kitayama $497,200 Lee, MW $35,552 Poston $0 Theegala $360,800 $360,800 $893,552
25 4 4 Baba Booey! Detry $106,000 Thomas, J $374,000 Yu $0 Theegala $360,800 $360,800 $840,800
26 29 29 Sum Ting Wong Homa $0 Matsuyama $164,266 Thomas, J $374,000 Novak $248,600 $248,600 $786,866
27 33 33 A Very Bad Golfer Lee, MW $35,552 Poston $0 Theegala $721,600 $757,152
28 5 5 Sendough Clark, W $60,808 Conners $106,000 Mitchell $0 Theegala $360,800 $110,000 $527,608
29 21 21 Northern Elites Lee, KH $0 Matsuyama $164,266 Poston $0 McNealy $308,000 $308,000 $472,266
30 14 14 Never Lay Up An $36,784 Cole $44,792 Poston $0 Theegala $360,800 $360,800 $442,376
31 8 8 JCW Berger $106,000 Cole $44,792 Im $0 Novak $248,600 $211,816 $399,392
32 24 24 Clarktease An $36,784 Detry $106,000 Poston $0 Novak $248,600 $248,600 $391,384
33 30 30 Team Reconcile An $36,784 Kim, Tom $250,800 Lee, MW $35,552 $323,136
34 27 27 RayTango VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 McNealy $308,000 $308,000 $308,000
35 15 15 LincolnshirePoacher An $36,784 NO SHOW $0 NO SHOW $0 $36,784
36 36 36 Eaglelover51 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0